Pero tú, oh YHWH, eres escudo alrededor de mí; eres mi gloria y el que levanta mi cabeza. sa

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Teachable Moments

Pondering life and human nature; at times I fail others. At times others fail me. I’ve given this a bit of thought lately. When the soul is hurt, there is a personal choice to be made. That choice defines whether I will be chiseled away at or if I choose to let a situation be a catalyst to a better me. Hurt can easily turn to anger.  Anger if not guarded, can easily turn into a grudge. Grudges simply do one thing and that is turn into poison for the body, mind and spirit. It’s truly a battlefield in the mind and heart. Not holding a grudge isn’t always the easy choice but it’s the right choice. Hurtful times can become teachable moments. Teachable moments add wisdom,  the kind of wisdom that comes with living life through its ups and downs  I see that more clearly the more the years roll by. When the ugly side of human nature rears its head, I’m reminded to talk to my Father. With no doubt, there isn’t a situation I will ever face, that He didn’t face before me. I find myself asking: “I know there has to be a lesson in here somewhere. What are You trying to teach me?” Lately, I’m certain I’m being reminded how I should treat others. I can take those teachable moments and let it sink in to try to never let my behavior or my words make another have to choose: Anger, or teachable moment?  For myself, I’ll try to look at those who cross my path, who dish out hurt and accept this teachable moment is showing me exactly the type of person I cannot be, if I wish to honor Him.