Pero tú, oh YHWH, eres escudo alrededor de mí; eres mi gloria y el que levanta mi cabeza. sa

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why do we "Spit Shine" Jesus?

Why do we "Spit Shine" Jesus?

His birth was in a cave, draped in the odor of animals..
Not in a mansion with polished floors and servants...

His ministry played out in the hills and valleys of the region...
Not in a tabernacle with fine adornments and polished programs...

His message of life abundant & life eternal, was simple, and simply spoken...
Not dressed up or pushed on those who came to hear Him...

His last moments were watched as His mother grieved...
Her Son, a King, hanging....between two thieves...

His death was ugly, humiliating and cruel...
Yet it brought Life to every generation...

So I wonder, why, do we, "Spit Shine" Jesus?
The beauty in knowing Him...
Is found in the truth of His life...
And in the story of the Cross...
The emblem of suffering, and shame...
In the blood trail and in the pain..

This question has played over and over in my mind. By putting on layer after layer of polish, and trying so hard to get that perfect Christian "look"...we "Spit Shine" away the beauty of being a Christian. What's attractive to our eyes, in most cases is not at all the view from Heaven's eyes. Something inside is crying out to take it all back to the simplicity of just knowing Him and spending time with Him, resulting in hopefully becoming more like Him, drawing others to Him...


renewd42 said...

So true! Thanks for sharing so beautifully! There is no power outside of the blood, it is not...always lovely. though the result is. blessings, stop by my blog sometime! love to have you along!

Karen said...

Beautiful, Melanie! Those "simple" things are the most important things...

Love that song....